DELTA Production Company
Since 2009, DELTA Production Company has gained reputation of reliable partner specializing in production processes modernization and automation as well as technological equipment design.
Due to high quality and unique tailor-made engineering and design solutions, qualified personnel and reasonable prices, we successfully cooperate with the largest Russian and European manufacturers and system integrators in the field of industrial production automation.
The main principle of the company's work is an orientation to the customer’s needs and wishes, turnkey work and absence of hidden payments. We appreciate every customer and ready to apply maximum efforts to provide the highest quality services at affordable prices in the shortest possible time. One of our main services is developing design, manufacturing and installation of technological equipment, transport systems and metal structures of various purposes and complexity.
We are ready to produce and start-up the pilot installations, which can then be put into mass production, we can develop and manufacture laboratory installations prototypes, and a wide range of non-standard equipment. Our engineers possess a fundamental knowledge obtained in one of Russia’s best technical universities – Bauman Moscow State University, creative potential, as well as solid practical experience of constructing various devices. All this allow us to successfully handle the most diverse, and often unique, engineering challenges.